

Abstract :
On 24 April 2012 the restoration of palazzo Branciforte in the historical center of Palermo has been completed and the building was opened to the public. The University of Foggia was the reference for the new arrangement of the collection, and the Digital Archaeology Lab was involved in the realization of the multimedia system. HeriTouch is the system developed for the fruition of the archaeological collection, aiming to harmonize multimedia technologies with the contents of the collection, thus enhancing the narrative potential of the objects.
A network of 46 narrative episodes has been constructed. The episodes are related to different aspects of Greek life and culture, but always linked with the main theme of ancient pottery and material culture.

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Project Authors :
Giuliano De Felice, giulianodefelice@gmail.com
Vito Santacesaria, santacesaria@ai2.it

Institutions involved :
Università degli studi di Foggia – Laboratorio di Archeologia Digitale, ITALY, link
Fondazione Sicilia, ITALY, link

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