Full & short scientific papers

Full & short scientific papers

+++ NOTE: As the conference adopts a double-blind reviewing process, authors must ensure that any information that links authors or co-authors, e.g. affiliations, contact details, e-mails, to the paper are removed ON THE PAPER for the first submission step. Registration details on easyChair should remain at place +++

We are seeking original, innovative and previously unpublished contributions in theoretical or applied areas of the digital heritage to the scientific programme track. All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed by at minimum 3 referees from the Intl. Scientific Committee. Every submission will have at least one technical and one cultural reviewer to ensure a rich diversity of accepted works spanning both technology and the humanities. All submissions will be reviewed for originality, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. A two-volume publication of the Scientific Paper Programme is being produced in collaboration with IEEE and Eurographics. Best selected scientific papers will be invited for republication of an extended version to the ACM Journal on Computers in Cultural Heritage (ACM JOCCH).

Note : since this is a joint World Congress, you need to submit only once to be considered for the integrated joint proceedings of all affiliated events. VSMM & Arqueologica 2.0 will also award best paper prizes, while Archeovirtual & V-MUST will award best virtual museums.
Several submissions have to indicate adequate Digitalheritage2013 topics that are relevant to it.
Submissions that are foreseen for Special Events (e.g. CAA Symposium, ARQUEOLOGICA 2.0, CIPA 2013 Special Workshop, CAA Fall Symposium, FROM SPACE TO PLACE Special Workshop, ICOMOS Digital Interpretation Panel, MUSEUM & TECHNOLOGY special session, EU Project special workshop) can be re-directed directly to the adequate program chairs by ticking the adequate checkbox.

Author’s Instructions. The length for paper submissions should not exceed 8 pages for long papers (including figures, tables and references) and not exceed 4 pages for short paper presentations. Prospective paper presentations will be given in dedicated scientific tracks. Short papers are presented within special scientific tracks throughout the event and might aligned to an oral presentation or by means of a poster or e-posters presentation.
The full and short papers must be formatted in IEEE double column, single space format, A4 page. The word style or the LaTeX template can be downloaded from the IEEE site.

Regulation for Plagiarism. Submissions will be administratively rejected without review if it is found that:
[1] The submission violates the IEEE & EG Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.
[2] The submission is a dual submission; that is, if the submission is simultaneously under review for any other conference or publication.
[3] Electronic files have been submitted that have been designed to have side effects other than presenting the submitted work to reviewers and committee members (for example, a « phone home » script).
[4] It appears that the paper contains material for which the submitters have not secured the necessary copyrights.