Virtual Museum demonstrator


Abstract : EU project has developed new virtual museum applications as internal test projects and demonstrators. These demonstrators show innovative uses of digital technologies for the museum and cultural heritage domains. Some of these examples are part of the exhibition in a cycle, so that people can see several demonstrators in a short time, other are permanently on display so that visitors can try them out themselves.

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Augmented Reality @ Ename

A lot of developments in digital heritage are focused on new installations and temporary exhibitions. Many museums and sites however have permanent installations that will not be changed easily. On the other hand, such sites and museums do have the need to address specific groups such as children or experts.
Therefore, V-MusT has developed a methodology to create an extra augmented reality layer on top of existing museum exhibitions and site presentations that delivers specific content by storytelling in an auditory way combined with augmented reality visualisation of images, video and 3D. We use the InstantAR platform, developed by Fraunhofer IGD, to create develop the application without any programming. The applications work on iPad and Android tablets.

Project authors :

Daniel Pletinckx, Visual Dimension bvba
Carlotta Capurro, Visual Dimension bvb
Dries Nollet, Visual Dimension bvba
Holger Graf, Fraunhofer IGD
Timo Engelke, Fraunhofer IGD
Marie-Claire Van der Donckt, pam Ename
Dirk Callebaut, Francia Media

Involved institutions :

Fraunhofer IGD, Darmstadt, Germany
Visual Dimension bvba, Ename, Belgium
PAM (provincial archaeological museum) Ename, link
heritage centre Francia Media (province of East-Flanders), Belgium

TimeScope and TimeLine @ Ename

The TimeScope and TimeLine applications are the newest digital heritage applications in Ename, Belgium. The TimeScope is an interactive storytelling system at the archaeological site while the TimeLine shows the evolution of the site and the provenance of the museum objects in the archaeological museum.
Both applications are based upon the new HTML5 standard and show the new virtual reconstructions of the abbey and village for 8 periods in time with detailed simulation of the historical landscape. These new interactive applications allow a much better experience and understanding of the site, as many views and panoramas from ground level have been added to the application.

Project authors :

Daniel Pletinckx, Visual Dimension bvba
Eline Tavernier, Visual Dimension bvba
Dries Nollet, Visual Dimension bvba
Marie-Claire Van der Donckt, pam Ename
Marga Bonte, pam Ename
Dirk Callebaut, Francia Media
Ludo Milis, prof. em. University Ghent

Involved institutions :

Department of Culture of the province of East-Flanders, Belgium
Visual Dimension bvba, Ename, Belgium
PAM (provincial archaeological museum) Ename, link
Heritage Centre Francia Media (province of East-Flanders), Belgium

Livia’s Villa Natural Interaction

The project was born re-using most part of the original contents developed for the “Virtual Museum of Ancient via Flaminia” (2008-2010, Roman National Museum of Diocleziano’s Thermal Baths, Rome – After 2008, starting from the original dataset, three multi-platform applications have been developed, taking into consideration three main targets: (a) museum visitors, (b) content specialists and researchers and (c) tourists of the archaeological site.
“Livia’s Villa Natural Interaction” has been created for the first type of visitor. It is a VR application with gesture-based interaction. The gesture-based VR installation is a single-user application developed in Unity3D and using kinect sensor for motion capture. It is intended to be placed in the Roman National museum and it is aimed at involving visitors in a multisensorial and emotional experience.

Project Authors :

Eva Pietroni –
Massimiliano Forlani –
Claudio Rufa –
Marco Di Ioia –
Raffaele Carlani –
Augusto Palombini –
Sofia Pescarin –
Emanuel Demetrescu –
Daniele Ferdani –
Maurizio Forte –
Rosanna Friggeri –

Involved Institutions :

CNR ITABC, Italy, link
E.V.O.CA. srl, Encoded Visions on Canvas, link
Roman National Museum, Diocletian’s Bath, Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici di Roma

Livia’s Villa web3D

“Livia’s Villa web3d” is a project aimed at demonstrating the potentiality of WebGL plugin-free interactive 3D graphics for web presentations that make use of large scale, interactive and immersive on site VR installation. This project is based on the macro VR: “Virtual Museum of Ancient via Flaminia (2008-2010, Roman National Museum of Diocleziano’s Thermal Baths, Rome – From the user perspective, its aim is to de-couple the immersive experience a visitor can do on site, based on storytelling and gesture-based interaction (as in Livia’s Villa Natural Interaction application), from the fully informative and learning experience, based on interactive access to digital models and metadata.It has been therefore developed as a desktop VR application, for home/office use and for expert users, with metadata access. It is designed to establish a connection between digital asset and documentation/sources, providing the scientific background of the whole digital reconstruction.It is based on the X3Dom WebGL framework.

Project Authors :

Holger Graf –
Yvonne Jung –
Guido Lucci Baldassari –
Sofia Pescarin –
Emanuel Demetrescu –
Daniele Ferdani –
Joakim Eriksson –

Involved Institutions :

CNR-ITABC, Virtual Heritage Lab, Via Salaria, km 29, Monterotondo St., Roma, Italy
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Fraunhoferstr. 5, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Lund University, Department of Design Science, Sölvegatan 26, 22100 Lund, Sweden
Roman National Museum, Diocletian’s Bath, Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici di Roma

Augmented Collections @ Allard Pierson Museum

Wim Hupperetz – Allard Pierson Museum, University of Amsterdam

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